The map of the city of Minsk
The map of the city of Minsk
The map of the city of Minsk with the display of the main platforms for the placement of the high-rise buildings.-
Scale: 1/10000
Detailing: nominal
Size: 2000 х 2000 mm
Implementation period: 1 month
The map of the city of Minsk with a display of the main platforms for the placement of the high-rise buildings is made on a scale of 1/10000.
The baseplate size is 2000 x 2000 mm., made of PVC.
The map represents the territory of the city of Minsk with a display of the residential building estates and major transportation routes.
The central part of the city and the main avenues are highlighted in colors.
The model was supposed to show all high-rise buildings, both existing and future projects.
All sites with high-rise buildings are highlighted in different colors depending on the height of buildings.
Such models are good for presentations and trade shows